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2020/7/16 9:38:33发布174次查看
  • 品牌:翔鹰技术
  • 型号:GC7990
  • 提供加工定制:是
  • 测量范围:PPM
  • 测量对象:牛奶脂肪酸
  • 控温范围:410
  • 功率:180
  • 尺寸:480
  • 重量:46

with the improvement of people's living quality,people's demand for food has been from the past to consider thenumber to the attention to its quality, it is well known that theox, goat milk nutrition is rich, rich in a variety of nutrients,high-quality food resources is indispensable to human health. fatis human body important component, reasonable intake of fat fromthe food, not only harm health, but also can strengthen physicalhealth. milk is not only high quality animal fat.
【 objective 】 analysis of cow, goat milk and yogurt,cheese, fatty acid composition and the characteristics of change,and evaluate features.
【 method 】 the cow, goat milk and yogurt, cheesesamples were determined after processing, the use of capillarygc7990 gas chromatographic analysis of the fatty acid compositionand content.
【 results 】 (1) the cow, goat milk and yogurt, cheese,fatty acids are including saturated fatty acids (sfa), singleunsaturated fatty acids (mufa) and polyunsaturated fatty acids(pufa) 3 categories, including nutmeg acid (c14:0), palmitic acid(c16:0), stearic acid (c18:0) and oleic acid and linoleic acid(c18:1) (c18:2) the sum of the content of more than 60%; (2) incattle, sheep colostrum unsaturated fatty acid content as high as36.91% and 36.91% respectively, bovine colostrum, feta and sheepcolostrum sfa, mufa, pufa were 5.58, 2.86,1,9.20,9.34:3.77:1:3.93:1; (3) the characteristics of goat milkfatty acids were bitter (c8:0) and decanoic acid (c10:0), itscontent is significantly higher than milk, very significantdifferences between the two (p0.01).
【 conclusion 】 goat milk and its products quality isbetter than that of milk fatty acids and their products; cow, goatmilk processing after long chain saturated fatty acid content arelow, short chain saturated fatty acid content increased.



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